Operation Hot Body Challenge

Happy Saturday!

Of course, I’ve missed a couple What I Ate Wednesdays.  I promise I’ll be back on the blog-writing track once I get started with school!  I did get to go home though and enjoy some delicious powermeals, I’m loving that my mom is now a clean-eater too!  Like this flank steak and spinach salad with micro greens, carrots, bell pepper, cucumbers, hemp hearts, and avocado topped with Bragg’s dressing!  So good with a chia kombucha:)

Right now, it’s been a full-time job just going to the gym, preparing and eating meals, and actually working a full-time job:)  I also got a new roommate who is getting to enjoy SF without me while I’m at work.  Last night, our friends came in to the city and we went to this AWESOME vegan restaurant in the Mission, Gracias Madre.  I’m not sure if it was everyone else’s favorite, but I really loved it!  It was great to order off a menu and not have to worry about hidden oils or butters or any of that sneaky stuff.  I didn’t even have to substitute anything!!

I got the Enchiladas de Mole with black beans and sauteed kale with pumpkin seeds.  The white sauce looks like a no-no, but it’s actually cashew cheese! I think that maybe I was more comfortable with the food because I was a vegetarian for so long, but I also stand by that it was just REALLY GOOD FOOD:)

Now it will be back to resisting the urges to cheat while my friends are in town:)  Starting on Monday, it won’t be too tough though.  Here is my official announcement:

I will be taking the Operation Hot Body Challenge from August 13-September 5, 2012.

This is a feat of 23 days without any added sugar (stevia is an exception), NO junk, and NO cheats.  So basically, I have to follow the nutritional aspect of my training plan EXACTLY.

Have mercy.

Now you all can hold me accountable!  I’m usually pretty good at staying away from cheats, but it’s a slippery slope.  Since I was a little more lenient this summer, I’ve found it more difficult to get completely back on track.  To the average person’s standards, I probably don’t indulge enough, but for me I have been indulging a little too much!  I recognize that I’m hard on myself, but I’d rather accomplish my goals than just watch them stroll away.

Check back tomorrow to see a new Powermeal-a-week for @Powercakes and a little a$$-kicking motivation:)

(mostly I just want to kick some of you, but I suppose inspirational blog posts will have to suffice)

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram bbbhealthy and twitter @bbbhealthy 🙂

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