Clean Eating Who?

Sh!t is getting so real tomorrow.  I haven’t been eating clean AT ALL.  It’s so weird to go from 100% clean eating to about 5%.  My life feels so out of order, and so does my body.  I feel gross all the time because it’s just not normal for me.  Now I’m finally all unpacked in SF, and will be going grocery shopping tomorrow.  A lot of people ask me what they should buy to begin eating clean, and I thought that since I’m starting from scratch, I’d share my grocery list!

  • 99% lean chicken breast (probably at least 2lbs, I’m a poultry freak)
  • egg whites
  • eggs
  • greek yogurt
  • cottage cheese
  • natural peanut butter
  • old fashioned oats
  • brown rice
  • whole wheat tortillas
  • brown rice cakes
  • spinach
  • bell peppers
  • cucumber
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • celery
  • bananas

That should last me about a week!  I better go clip some coupons…






Liebster for Days…

So back in December I got a message from Lynda from informing me that she nominated me for the Liebster Award! WOOOOOOOO! I had no idea what she was talking about so I checked out her post (it was such an honor that an established blogger had noticed ME!). Apparently, the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. I’ve needed that lately:)

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The rules of the Liebster are simple:

  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 interview questions you’ve been given by the person who nominated you.
  • Create 11 new questions.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in your post.
  • Go and tell the person who nominated you, along with the people you’ve nominated about your post.

So here it goes, and thank you so much Lynda!

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I usually only like songs that I know the words to, so I can sing along!
  2. I secretly have a very girly side (I love pink, glitter, shopping, The Notebook, and Call Me Maybe).
  3. People tell me secrets because I have the memory of a goldfish:)
  4. I can touch my tongue to my nose.
  5. I used to be terrified of dogs, and now I absolutely LOVE them.
  6. I love cooking and think that any problem can be solved with a snack and/or cake.
  7. If there is music playing, I’m probably dancing to it.
  8. One of my favorite things to do is drive and listen to the radio.
  9. I like knowing other people’s favorite colors.
  10. I’m a book whore, I’ll read anything I can get my hands on.
  11. I’ve donated almost three gallons of blood.

Questions from Lynda:

  1. What is your fav body part that you just love? My butt because I’ve worked pretty hard for it;)
  2. Are you organized and keep lists OR just wing it? LISTS ARE MY LIFE.
  3. Would you tell someone if they dropped a dollar on the ground OR just pick it up and figure who cares? I believe in karma so I would definitely tell them.
  4. Do you bring your own bags into the market OR do you forget them at home? SF charges for bags so you know I’m bringing my own!
  5. How often do you replace your running shoes? Not often enough.
  6. Do you truly “prep” your food for the next day and plan ahead to be ready to eat healthy? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Definitely.
  7. Did you eat “sugar” cereal as a kid, if so which was your fav? YES. French Toast Crunch, Cookie Crisp, and Oreo-O’s…I may have had a bit of a sweet tooth.
  8. Do you prefer to shop on-line OR get out of the house and be amongst people? I have a real problem with online shopping, I do it too often…
  9. What is your dream vacay spot with your spouse/lover/partner? Probably Paris, not sure why though.
  10. Do you have a “motto” you live by? “Treat others how you would like to be treated.”
  11. How often do you update your play list? Never, I’m awful at it! I’m addicted to 8tracks and Pandora though.

11 Questions for the Nominees:

  1. What’s your favorite snack?
  2. Would you rather be stuck on a deserted island alone with a lifetime supply of food or with your best friend and no supplies?
  3. What is your fitness pet peeve?
  4. Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter?
  5. Who inspires you most?
  6. If someone made a movie about your life, who would play you?
  7. What song pumps you up for a workout?
  8. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. What was the best gift you ever received?
  10. What’s your dream job?
  11. What’s your favorite color?:)

And the nominees are…..

A Healthier, Fitter ME!

Such Great Bites

Exercise ADD

Curly Runner Bug

Sweets ‘n’ Sweat

Lisa Runs for Cupcakes

Twenty-Five Thousand, One Hundred Fifty-One

Fit Girls Rock

Fitness Amanda

Mom, Vet, Survivor…Triathlete?

Fitness Moejo

Be sure to check them all out!

Girl On Fire

I’m not usually one to make New Year’s Resolutions (or keep them), but my lifestyle has changed so much in 2012 that they seem right up my alley! I probably have a few too many, but I’m feeling especially challenge-y this year:)

In no particular order:

  • Do a pull-up!
  • Perfect my push-up.
  • Listen to Call Me Maybe more often (I’ve been pretty successful with this one).
  • Do a Random Act of Kindness at least once a day.
  • Stretch every day.
  • Blog at least once a week.
  • Enjoy my lifestyle AND my life (Hey, I’m 21!)

Me in 2014;)


One of my friends jokingly told me that her New Year’s Resolution is to just “do her”, and I actually really like it!  It’s the best resolution that I’ve heard so I’ve decided that I’m going to focus on just “doing me” and being myself this year.  I’m not going to try to prove anything to anyone except myself.  I’m already my best critic, so who better to judge myself than me?

Did you make any resolutions that you plan to keep?  Or have any that you plan on completely ignoring?:)

Let’s go, 2013.

It’s been quite awhile since you’ve heard from me! It’s been a super busy month with the holidays, my birthday, and a trip to Maui!


My brothers, sister, and niece all together for the holidays:)


Indulging just a little on my 21st;)




So, you can probably guess that this hasn’t been the cleanest break for me.  I did achieve my goal of sticking with my meal plan until my birthday, but it’s been pretty much downhill since then.  You could drown an army with all of the sugary, tropical drinks that I had in Hawaii:)   I didn’t stick to any meal plan at all for a whole week, and it was tough to lose control for that long!  Usually everything about my life is pretty structured (eat at 9am, eat at 12pm, gym at 2pm….), so it was an adjustment to get used to 3 meals a day and no gym.

I don’t regret any of the cheats though.  To be honest with you, I’m stil not 100% back on track.  Hey, I’m human!  I’m just enjoying being home for a few more days before it’s back to the grind:) 

Just wanted to give y’all a little update on where I’ve been and why I’ve been completely ignoring you:)  Tomorrow I’ll share my New Year’s Resolutions and later this week I’ll tell you about the Liebster Award that I was nominated for!


R.A.C.K. to Christmas!

How’s everyone doing with the squat-a-thon? Feelin’ the burn yet?  I know I am, especially on leg days! I’m a sucker for challenges though so I’m loving it.

Another way that I have challenged myself this December is by doing a R.A.C.K (Random Act of Christmas Kindness) every day as a Christmas countdown! Someday they will invent super clean chocolate advent calendars, but until then I’m just going to go out of my way everyday to do something nice.  It’s been a really fun experience, and it can be incredibly fulfilling to just do something that will make another person feel great during the holiday season.

Now I’m going to challenge you to R.A.C.K. your city in these final days before Christmas!

It doesn’t have to be some grand gesture, I’ve realized that it’s the little things that can really make someone’s day. Some ideas are:

-Donate clothes/toys/canned food to those in need

-Volunteer your time at a homeless shelter, or for a fun run in your community, or the SPCA

-Leave an inspiring note on a random car

-Do your roommate’s dishes (without complaining)

-Bake clean Christmas cookies for your neighbors and give them the recipe!

-Offer to help someone with their groceries

These are just a few of the actions that will take you 5 minutes-tops, but will have a lasting effect on others.  So get in to the Christmas spirit, and remember that it isn’t about the new lifting gloves or protein powder that are waiting under the tree.  It’s about the hope that maybe someday we’ll all be on the nice list;)

While you’re going on a Christmas walk to admire the lights, warm up with this clean peppermint cocoa!

Peppermint Cocoa


-1 peppermint tea bag

-1/2 tbs cocoa powder

-2 drops stevia

  1. Fill a mug with hot water and prepare the peppermint tea
  2. Discard the tea bag and add the cocoa powder and stevia

So simple, but so decadent!

Share your squat progress or R.A.C.K. ideas with me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (BBBHealthy)

Guest Post: Weight Loss

I’m in the middle of studying for finals, so I don’t have a ton of time to blog:(  I thought it would be a good time for Valerie Johnston from to drop some knowledge on y’all.

The Health Effects of Those Experiencing Obesity & Weight Loss

Being overweight, or obese, is a label for a range of weight that is greater than the amount that is typically considered to be healthy for any given height. The term obese can also identify the range of weight that is known to increase the likelihood of specific weight related diseases or other health conditions. For adults, obesity ranges are usually determined by taking the individual’s weight along with their height and calculating the two into the BMI (body mass Index) number. The BMI number is used as an effective tool that helps correlate the amount of body fat held by that individual.

BMI Ranges

As an example, any person that has a calculated BMI of between 25 and 29.9 falls into the category of being overweight. Additionally, anyone that has a calculated BMI of 30 or greater is classified as being obese. While BMI ranges work well for adults, children and teens that are known to be above the normal weight for their age, size, and height follow different labels. Calculated into a child’s BMI range is the natural tendency to accumulate body fat at varying ages in both girls and boys.

Obesity & Weight Loss

Weight loss is often considered to have a positive effect on reducing many of the symptoms and conditions associated with being obese. Although a person may be experiencing obesity, weight loss must be acquired correctly, to ensure the health of the individual as they eliminate excess pounds and inches.

When left untreated, obesity can create a variety of medical diseases that can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, and a variety of other chronic conditions. Obesity is often difficult to treat and is known to have a high relapse rate. More than 95% of every individual that loses weight tends to regain it within the next five years.

Although many diets and medications can help, the treatment for obesity requires something more than a short-term “fix”. It must take a lifelong commitment by developing proper diet habits and following an increased level of physical activity including routine workouts and exercise.

The typical goal of any treatment should be the way to achieve and maintain a much healthier weight, and not necessarily a level of weight loss that appears to be “the ideal”. Studies indicate that even modest weight loss of up to 10% of the initial weight along with a long-term maintenance program, can produce significant health benefits by diminishing the risk of heart disease and diabetes and lowering blood pressure.

A Support System

A support system is essential to guarantee that the person that is overweight can continue on their path of eliminating pounds and inches. Many of the long-term successes of weight loss have been enhanced by a strong support system, advice from the doctor, and following a team of professionals including exercise trainers, psychologists, and dietitians.

Defining a level of obesity is typically based on the information one gathers from professionals or on the Internet. In its very essence though, obesity or being overweight can be classified as any weight that is greater than what is generally considered to be healthy. While it is important to use body fat to store energy, as a shock absorber, and for heat insulation, too much weight can cause chronic conditions that are extremely unhealthy to the individual in the long run.

It is known that in the United States alone, the major population has reached epic proportions of obesity with well over two thirds of all adults being obese or overweight. Even more so, obesity in children has significantly increased. The numbers indicate that near 25% of the total of children in the US are either obese or overweight.

Valerie Johnston is a health and fitness writer located in East Texas. With ambitions of one day running a marathon, writing for ensures she keeps up-to-date on all of the latest health and fitness news.

Happy Holiday Squat-athon!

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I’m sorry that I’m posting this late, you’re just going to have to catch up on squats!  Usually I am a big fan of the chocolate advent calendars to count down to Christmas, but since those aren’t very clean I had to come up with some other ways to gear up for the holidays.  Though I did love that little piece of chocolate every morning, you know that I love squats so much more!  It’s simple, you just do the set amount of squats for that day until Christmas Day.  Think of it as a way to prepare for all of the holiday treats;)  You can do the squats with our without weight, as long as you get them in each day.  I’ve been doing them without weights so that I can practice my form.  If you haven’t really done squats before, this is a great way to perfect your form. Just remember to:

-Keep your knees aligned with your toes

-not let your knees go over your toes

-keep your back straight and your chest up

-push up from your heels

-and keep your core tight!!

I’ll be sharing my other “advent calendar” with you tomorrow:)

Keep me updated on your squat progress! 

I’m a Sweat Pink Ambassador!

Happy Holidays everyone:) I’m in full Christmas mode and have so many updates!

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve posted!  It’s been a crazy few weeks with finals and wrapping up the semester.  Things are finally settling down and I’m ready to get back to blogging:)

I want to update you all on my progress so you can see that this ACTUALLY WORKS (not ready to post pictures yet though).  I told you a month ago that my goal was to lose 15% body fat.  Well, I’ve been training and following a pretty detailed nutrition plan for the past four weeks and have made some progress!  So far I have lost 5% body fat (lost six pounds of fat and gained six pounds of muscle).  I feel so much better than I did last month and am even more motivated to keep up with my plan through the holiday season.  I went all out for Thanksgiving dinner though:/ Luckily, I went out to dinner with my dad and stepmom, who were visiting from Socal, which meant no seconds!  I still ate SO MUCH though.  I literally ate myself sick, no fun:(  Kind of makes me not want to cheat again!  Kinda:)

However, I do have a little extra motivation to stay on track now that


I got the email yesterday and I am so excited to be a part of such an incredibly supportive community. So what does it mean to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador?  It means that I have even more people to share with and learn from within the fitness community.  I’ll have opportunities to get connected to incredible women who are passionate about fitness, and can then pass along what I learn to you!  I’m just a work in progress to become an even better resource for all of you:)

My first order of business as a Sweat Pink Ambassador was to sign up to receive a free Bulu Box!  It’s a monthly subscription that sends you a box vitamins and supplements to try:

“A way to discover vitamin, supplement and health products. Each box is filled with 4 to 5 premium products selected to help you feel your best. Look forward to a new mix monthly for both women and men that include: vitamins, weight loss, energy, protein, digestion, sleep support and more.”

These monthly deals are a great way to try new products and learn what works for your body without breaking the bank.

AND you can get your first box free if you enter this Sweat Pink coupon code! Fit411

See, the perks are already coming in:)  Once I receive my box, I  will be reviewing all of the products that I’m sent so look forward to that!  I’m also working on some healthy Christmas recipes for you all:)

Have a good week!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @BBBhealthy.

My Secret Weapon


I know, I know, they are just headbands right? SO WRONG!

I heard about these amazing headbands when I took an Xtend Barre workout with my stepmom a few weeks ago.  The magic of them is that they never slip!  Seriously, EVER. They have a velvet lining that keeps them on!  Not only are these headbands just so handy for workouts, but they are sold by a pretty inspiring company.

BIC stands for “Because I Can” and they were created for a run with Team in Training.  Each month they choose a new charity to donate some of their proceeds to.  This month, $1 from each sale will be donated to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  So go buy some  😉

My stepmom sent me a few, and they have a ton of designs to choose from!  I’m coming up with a challenge for the new year, and am hoping to include some BIC Bands in the prize because I just love their message!

I also have been going a little pancake crazy lately.  I always forget how they can fit perfectly with my macros and still taste delicious!  Here’s a carb-free recipe that I’ve been loving.

Almond Pancakes

1/4 cup almond flour (make your own! Just grind almonds in a food processor)

1 tsp baking powder

4 egg whites

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp almond extract (optional)

  1. Heat a small pan on medium heat.
  2. Combine the almond flour and baking powder together.
  3. Whisk the egg whites and extracts.
  4. Slowly add the dry mixture to the wet mixture.
  5. Cook like regular pancakes! Flipping when the top is fully covered with little bubbles.
  6. Top with protein powder frosting (pp powder and water) or a little greek yogurt!

Procrastination is okay if you’re working out right?

Those moments when you’d rather do anything than homework…for me, anything includes lifting, running, stretching, cooking, or eating:)

That’s right about now for me.  I killed my shoulders and abs today, but would do anything to ditch this paper and go for a run!  I haven’t been able to run for a few weeks because I hurt my foot (and because I’m trying to keep my hard earned muscle, not burn it), but am missing it so much.  My runs have been replaced with stairs and speed walking on an incline, woo.

So even though my cardio work at the gym isn’t the most fun, I’m actually enjoying my work in the kitchen.  We all know that the kitchen is where the hardest work goes down.  Sure, I’d love to be able to bench a couple of plates, but I’d much rather have the lifelong strength to PUT DOWN THE COOKIES! So far, I’ve been doing pretty well with it:)  It’s a been a whole week without cheats and I feel awesome.  I love how great eating clean can make you feel.

I’ve been inhaling chicken, brown rice, steamed, veggies, protein powder, and cottage cheese like no other.  Seriously though, I went through 5lbs of chicken this week.  I’m pretty sure that I’m very close to turning in to a chicken, just waiting for that first cluck.  Since I have been trying to spice up my standard diet, I’ve got a new recipe for you!

Pumpkin Spice Latte Shake

-1/2 cup cold coffee

-splash of almond milk

-1 tsp. pumpkin spice

-1 drop of liquid stevia or 1 packet of stevia in the raw

-1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)

  1. Add ice and blend:)

**If you want to make this a meal on the go, add some pureed pumpkin!

What is one type of exercise that you hope you’ll never have to stop doing?

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter:

